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The 3 Main Reasons You Don't Exercise and What to do About It

What is the one thing everyone should do, wants to do, and thinks about doing? And no, it’s not sleeping with your favorite celebrity. Mind out of the gutter people! It’s exercise. Exercise is not only vital for living, but it comes with many perks people want and dream about such as a toned and sexy body, and… well that’s about it. Kidding aside, there are many health and physical benefits to exercising but many people don’t engage in this activity because of three general excuses. Either there’s no time, no money, or no energy. The following methods will help you overcome the three main excuses you are making about exercising.

“Don’t have the time”, or “too busy”.

And you probably are. No one can tell you what your schedule should be and what activities to include or exclude from your day. However, I am sure you will agree that maintaining good health ranks in your top 3 of things that will help you enjoy life more. Plus, the amount of times people flirt with you will increase. And who doesn’t want that? In all seriousness, regular exercise not only increases your joy in life but also adds years to your lifespan; which means more flirting opportunities. Okay, last one. I promise!

What to do about it: Make time! Many people believe that it takes an hour in the gym to reap the benefits of exercise. Untrue! 10-30 minutes a day of moderate to intense exercise is all it takes. Of course, if you are barely in the beginning stages of finding an exercise routine it is best to start at a low to moderate intensity level. The people you see working out for an hour or more at the gym are usually at a more advance fitness level or have different fitness goals than you do. Start by engaging in 10-30 minute walks a day. Don’t like walking or jogging? Bike ride, swim, play a sport, play a game with the kids, the choices are endless but find your starting point and make it a habit. Also, can’t miss an episode of America’s Got Talent, Game of Thrones, or The Big Bang Theory? Set that DVR or get the scoop on the missed episode on the Internet or a re-run episode.

“Don’t have money” or “Don’t have a gym membership”.

Perfect! You can still reach your fitness goals without equipment or a gym membership. You know why? Because the best starting point for exercising is being able to use your own body weight as resistance. As a future personal trainer, I’ve learned that the most important aspect of training clients is to prevent injury. In order to do so, it is important to initiate the fitness experience with lessons about proper exercise technique and posture. This is done best without weights.

What to do about it: Research! Research! Research! There are tons of articles, YouTube videos, and Pinterest pictures that specifically show you proper exercise technique and posture. For example, the one exercise all women perform in order to get a toned, sculpted “booty” is squats. However, it happens many times that the posture and technique is completely off when trying this exercise. The knees pass the toes, the head is down, and the upper body is leaning forward. Now imagine having this posture with weights. Ouch! Not only is injury imminent but by not having the knees over or the toes, your head up and upper body as erect as possible, you don’t get the proper workout for the intended muscle. Hello glutes!

“I’m too tired”

Simple! Just chug a 32 oz. can of your favorite energy drink. Goodbye tiredness! Okay, so your problem isn’t completely solved. Not to mention the huge crash afterwards and enormous amounts of sugar you’ll be consuming from those God-forsaken things. Yuck! Feeling too tired to workout is an accurate excuse; maybe not a valid one, but one that could be your reality. You’ve had a hard day’s work, picked up the kids from school, helped them with their homework, prepared dinner, tended to your significant other, and the list goes on-and-on. Maybe somewhere within all those activities you had time to breathe – right?

What to do about it: Really, there are only two things you can do to overcome your tiredness for working out. One, squeeze in your workout before your day’s activities. Yes! This means you’ll have to wake up a little earlier than usual. However, exercising early in the morning will give you extra energy to face the day’s activities and you’ll be able to catch The Today Show (what does that have to do with exercising?) Absolutely nothing! Kidding aside, an early workout session increases your mental muscle which will help you face the day. Can you say “less stress throughout my day?” Go ahead, say it. Two, workout after you have finished your activities for the day. Does this mean that the only time you’ll be able to workout is at midnight? Not necessarily. Although, they don’t call them 24-hour gyms for nothing. No, in all seriousness you don’t have to worry about feeling “more” tired if you workout after your daily activities are complete. As a matter of fact, you’ll change your physical state and increase your energy during and a little after your workout session. So there’s no need to dread extreme tiredness.

These are the three excuses you are making at this very moment about not exercising. If you want to improve the quality of your life and increase your lifespan, overcoming the “No time”, “No money”, and “No energy” barriers is key in experiencing those goals. Good health to you!

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